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Top Ten Astrology Books

     Working with Astrology The Combination of Stellar Influences Anima Mundi Hymns to the Ancient Gods Tables of Planetary Phenomena The Practice of Prediction The Magic Thread The Cosmic Loom Navigating by the Stars British Entertainers
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=1: The Combination of Stellar Influences.
Reinhold Ebertin. American Federation of Astrologers 1972.

Also known as “COSI” this is an essential reference book no astrologer should be without. Based on decades of research by the author and many others to find meaning for midpoint combinations from observing real events and tendencies in real lives, it delivers. This book is consistently referred to in Working with Astrology because the pithy lines delineating the meaning of each combination are so accurate and useful; it has become the bible of midpoint delineation. Together, these “Number 1” books open up the midpoint universe for any astrologer interested.

COSI explores the meaning of psychological, physical and sociological meaning for every midpoint three-factor combination involving the planets, angles and Moon's Node. Developed through Cosmobiology, Ebertin’s stripped down, brilliant version of the craft, it provides a way in to working with endlessly fascinating, often overlooked astrological techniques. Don’t be put off by fancy words or short delineations - the unerring conclusions found here are applicable across the whole of astrology. They provide root meanings and ideas that can be extended by your own experience and imagination; COSI is a book that will grow on you.

Other Reviews:  Astrology, Transformation and Empowerment    Orpheus, Voices in Contemporary Astrology     

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