A brilliant new astrology site. Astrology for the 21st Century with superb articles on
personal, political and financial astrology. You must check this one.
The Mountain Astrologer is the world's most renowned astrology magazine. Lovely people to deal with, too.
A great astrological organisation
The Astrological Lodge of London have an excellent website, highly recommended.
The Astrological Association of Great Britain
The organisation to be in if you’re British and an astrologer. This is
where you can find support and stay informed.
One of the most important astrological organisations in the world which supplies
the fantastic databank on CD.
As far as I know, Allan Edwall's site is the best free astrology program on
the web, calculating everything any serious astrologer would need.
April Elliott Kent
April is an astrologer, website designer and San Diego-ite.
Her site is fantastic - and exceedingly helpful if you're an astrologer.
Adrian Duncan
Another great astrologer who really knows what he’s talking about.
Frank C Clifford
Frank is an authority on astrological data, publisher, astrologer, palmist,
author and a lot more. He’s also very helpful.
Paul F. Newman and Colin Wareham's Charles E.O.Carter Site
Paul and Colin's site is full of information on one of the greatest British astrologers. Carter's
observations on topics such as degree areas and the nature of prediction are razor sharp and timeless.
Check out..
Non-Astrology Links
David Smail's Site
If you are interested in "psychological astrology" you should consider the observations
and ideas available here.
Attuned - Reiki Dowsing and Subtle Energies
My Dad was open minded enough to take me to an astrologer as a teenager and has similar interests.
You can see some of this here on his great new site. http://www.attuned.org.uk
Renato Seixas is a friend from my time in Porto. He is an extremely talented
graphic designer, a very good baby charmer, the best Christmas out-in-the-streets-lights designer
I have ever met and has a website of wonder.
One look at this and you may end up employing this man (when you tire of
the fun available here).
Flickr Photos
Out of my camera
My friend Les Carter's band are named after a Uzbekistanian cyclist and have different personnel depending
on which continent they play. Superb entertainment live, and this is a great website.
The Roches
Unique, brilliant and true aces. Three sisters who have written and recorded some of my favourite songs ever.
The Flaming Lips
Do you realise how good this band are? Wayne Coyne expresses all the positives of Saturn-Pluto
Cocteau Twins
Never saw them play, though grew up with a Liz Fraser time twin . A guitar freak, he now has his own music and electronic based company.