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Reading Untimed Charts: Chart Shape

the visual pattern of the planets in the circle of the chart gives another input to our reading. The pattern types, brainchild of American astrologer Marc Edmund Jones, add further background to our picture.

BUNDLE - Focussed on very specific matters. A specialist whose life experiences could be rather narrow.

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BOWL - Focus on half of potential life experience. Others may be very important or not important at all, since an opposition aspect is a defining factor as is the 'half empty' nature of the pattern. Polarities in life, involvement with people and situations that embody experiences outside the occupied section of the chart are common.

BUCKET - Handle planet a big focus. Otherwise similar to the Bowl.

SPLASH - Open to a wide variety of experience this pattern's very lack of pattern points to diffusion, lack of focus.

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SEESAW - Pulled in two directions, there is a need to develop balance, the ability to negotiate and not polarise one's life. Tendency to switch from one attitude/situation/life experience to another.

LOCOMOTIVE - With a third of the chart empty there is a tendency toward driving to complete this lack and so this is associated with driven individuals who look to achieve.

SPLAY - Individualistic pattern points to the individualistic view of the world and hence such people with this pattern; one-offs.


Berry Gordy: Chart Shape

Berry Gordy's chart is shown with Chiron and the Node removed, planet symbols reduced to spots and the approximate position of the Moon also included.

With the largest gap between planets being 97 degrees, this is not a locomotive patterned chart but is a splay. There is a pattern and it is individualistic, just as Gordy's life has been. Note how it can be difficult, or impossible to put a chart in a category in this system. In this case there are shades of the locomotive, with the open 97 degrees not far from being an acceptable open area of the chart. Thus we can look at this chart as a kind of hybrid splay/locomotive, the emphasis on the splay pattern, but the hunger to achieve supplied by that large gap between Saturn and Uranus.

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