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Reading Untimed Charts: Lunar Phase

1st four lunar phases

the first four phases in the cycle from New Moon to next New Moon constitute the waxing, outward journey of the Moon from the Sun. Hence there is a building, pushing forward to things feeling behind each of these.

NEW MOON - Born at the seeding time of the lunar cycle these people are impulsive and instinctive often with a youthful zest for life. These people can be fresh starters or even fresh upstarts.

CRESCENT MOON - Often a theme in life of the struggle between the new and the old. This is symbolised by the Moon showing its first light against the darkness of the old cycle, broken at the seed point of the New Moon. Some people born at this phase feel held back by the past.

FIRST QUARTER MOON - Anyone born during this phase has a Moon with more light than dark showing. The phase starts when light and darkness are exactly 50-50. Hence there is a struggle theme between past and future in the life, the themes played out in a person's background (the dark) and their own growing awareness of how they are different and have their own identity to develop (light). Thus there is a powerful, even ruthless desire to develop new things in life.

GIBBOUS MOON - Moving toward Full Moon (reached when Sun and Moon are exactly 180 degrees apart and opposite each other) there is a sense of pushing toward something that is about to culminate here. Thus there is a sense of perfecting oneself and situations in life; the struggle toward perfection, the urge to push toward getting things real, true and right.

2nd four lunar phases

FULL MOON - Relationship is emphasised here as the two oppose one another. The Moon is at, or just past the point where it is fully illuminated, symbolising the strong awareness these people often possess. Beginning the waning half of the cycle there is a desire to use what has been built up in one's life. Sometimes these people suffer, finding themselves 'here' in life when they would far rather be 'over there', a dilemma also shown by the distance and polarised opposite positions of the Sun and Moon.

DISSEMINATING MOON - Very motivated to disseminate what has been learnt, sometimes to the point of being quite evangelistic. Social connections are important to these people.

LAST QUARTER MOON - This phase concerns reordering old situations and ideas. These people have themes of having to rejig to the fore in their lives.

BALSAMIC MOON - The last phase of the cycle looks toward the New Moon as the light fades to darkness. The themes in the life concern letting go and beginning - or making it possible for others to begin - new things. Visionaries and martyrs to a future good may be born during this phase. Being the last phase in the cycle, there is a feeling that everything has been seen before.


Berry Gordy was born during the Balsamic phase of the cycle. His work as a visionary who could see what could be done for a section of society suffering under racism by means of hard work, organisation and musical talent has been inspirational. He has been willing to work in the background, supporting other artists and people.

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